Monday, August 1, 2011

June textile workers get paid

Monday, 01 August 2011
Kim Yuthana
The Phnom Penh Post

Thousands of workers who were sacked after part of the June Textile garment factory burned down in March are finally receiving severance payments and other awards following a ruling from the Arbitration Council.

Taing Kisay, an administration assistant at the factory, said yesterday that more than half the 4,096 workers who lost their jobs would get payments soon. “I will continue to pay all workers. I expect I will be completely finished by the second week of August,” he said.

The Arbitration Council ruled on June 16 that June Textile had to pay workers compensation. Heng Lin, 30, said yesterday she had received US$1,130 after working at June Textile for 12 and a half years.

It showed the success of... the workers’ struggle in demanding the factory boss to follow the Arbitration Council’s ruling.

Oum Mean, secretary of state at the Ministry of Labour, said he hoped “other factories in controversies will settle [compensation] for workers as well”.

Peng Chou, a representative from the Union Federation of Work, claimed yesterday that the company had been disputing the details of some former employees’ contracts in order to withhold payments, and said more protests could result.

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