Monday, August 1, 2011

SNSD’s Tiffany celebrates her birthday

SNSD’s Tiffany celebrated her birthday today and was congratulated by fans around the world.
SNSD’s fan cafe ‘Sisters‘ printed an ad in a daily magazine on August 1st to celebrate Tiffany’s 23rd birthday.
A cafe member stated, “We still have lingering images from SNSD’s 2nd solo concert. Many fans are experiencing side effects, so I hope Tiffany’s beautiful smile can cure them all. I sincerely wish her a happy birthday and hope that she’s always healthy.
‘Sisters’ also volunteered at a children’s foundation back on July 17th to commemorate Tiffany’s birthday. They will donate ‘happy beans’ as well to various charitable agencies.
Meanwhile, ‘Sisters’ is collaborating with Tiffany’s Taiwanese fan siteTiffany’s House‘ to deliver gifts to the birthday girl.
Source: The Naeil News via Nate

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